Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ah.... Fluf-Ah-Nilla!

How is it that I got around all four sides of my hanky edging before I realized that I made a mistake on the VERY FIRST set of rings?
Ah.... Fluf-Ah-Nilla!
I think I'll just set this aside for a while until I decide I'm feeling patient enough to fix it.  Do you have any suggestions on the best way to fix it?

Other than a dreadful mistake... I think the edging is looking pretty nice.


Susie said...

Mistakes at the beginning are actually easier to fix than in the middle...just cut the bad rings and frizzle the chain to where it is good again. Make sure to use the Magic Thread trick on the "new" beginning strings. The colors you are using are lovely, and I'm sure the edging will be magnificent...with no one the wiser!

Monica said...

Thanks for the pep talk Susie.

I know about the "magic loop" when knitting socks, but don't know the tatting "magic thread trick". Can you recommend a site or video that can teach me?