Sunday, July 1, 2012

My First Stained Glass Project

Back in April my mom came to Winnipeg to visit. Because my Aunt, my mom and I all have birthdays in May my aunt wanted to come up with something that we could all do together. She’s an excellent stained glass artist so she signed the three of us up to take a 3 day introduction to stained glass course.

It’s taken me 3 months to hang up my project for one silly little reason – the project didn’t come complete with the string or chin to hang it. Once again, my aunt came to the rescue and gave me some spider wire so I could hang up my project. I have some of the spider wire left which will probably end up in a tatting experiment…

1 comment:

geraldine said...

This looks great, have always wanted to have a go. Now I may just find some where.